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The ability to control one's own finances, to enjoy immediate trade execution and confirmation, and to print out a transaction record within seconds—all these factors make online self-trading of stocks a popular and intelligent choice. It's no different with the forex market, except that trading forex is even more efficient than trading stocks and commodities.
For many people, self-trading the forex market is actually much more attractive because it is so much larger than other markets (one day's volume in forex can equal up to 50 day's volume on the New York Stock Exchange) and offers the potential of achieving above-average success rates of 2% to 20% or more in a single month, week, or day with strong risk management.
Self-trading forex is not for everybody, however. Self-trading forex takes time, effort and focus as you learn a new set of skills that can help you be successful. It's not about luck or software or "insider tips"--trading forex is a discipline.
Why should I trade forex?
There are many reasons to invest the necessary time, focus, and money in learning to trade forex: financial gains, of course, but also increased personal freedom and the ability to work how, where and when you choose.
World's largest market, moving trillions of dollars a day
Trade from home, the office, or virtually anywhere in the world
Enjoy 24-hour liquidity in just seconds
Benefit from sustained price trends
Work part- or full-time
Analyze just a few currencies
Trade with a higher success rate in both up and down periods
Enjoy unlimited profit potential when you trade in the correct market direction
Enjoy account security with regulated brokers
Use convenient margin / risk management tools
Forex opportunities are fair- this is the most level playing field of any market
Perfect market for technical analysis
Execute trades online, quickly and easily
How does forex trading work?
It's actually simple. Currencies are traded in pairs. A spot trade is "opened" when you simultaneously buy a block of one currency and sell another. A trade is "closed" when the reverse is done. To earn a profit, you buy low then sell high, or sell high and then buy low. Risk can be set as low as 1% to 5% per trade. Trades take place online or by phone without taking physical delivery of the currencies.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
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